On 11 March 2013, having been presented with the PIP that I knew was a crock of nonsense. Nobody would explain what I was supposed to have done that was wrong, but I was told that I had to sign it before I could renew my contract, so I made a formal complaint of harassment and abuse of authority.
What happened to it?
Of course the first thing that happened was that Lapointe tried to find out if Florin Postica could be roped into it – but he couldn’t, so she was not interested and threw the thing in the bin.
When I found out, I raised it with the Secretary-General and that, of course then started a whole raft of other headaches – but cutting to the chase; the Organisation has a formal complaint against four OIOS staff members, namely (1) Roberta Baldini (2) Vlad Dzuro, (3) Michael Dudley and (4) Sophia Richter.
What was that complaint handled?
That’s what this one was all about…………